Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Lately I've had a lot of people around me lose people that are close to them. I've heard of many struggles and of many heartbreaks. There have been many relatives facing illness and death lately. I guess this is part of growing up and aging. Death is not fun but for those with hope in Christ it is true healing. No more pain, no more tears...

I've been encouraged by Jeremiah 13. It shows that our true purpose is to cling to God. We are meant to cling to God – Jeremiah 13:11 – Listen to God, do not be proud, we are meant to cling to him, he is central, oh that we would make him central.

We are going to face storms in life but we can find peace in Christ. We can cling to God and his loving arms will embrace us. We are but foreigners here on this earth.