Friday, March 30, 2007


Man, lately I've been trying to remind myself how special life is. In my head I know this to be true but it seemed as if I was willing time to pass quickly. I have not been treasuring moments, friends or family.

Well, I was reading the Rehmeyer's latest post and it hit me in the face what an idiot I've been. Life is a gift, life is special, people are special, we are special...made in his image. Read the post "Correspondance" on the Rehmeyer's Blog and pray for the Children's Cup team, the people of Africa and those in your own lives. Let's live life on purpose...lets not take for granted the experiences and people in our lives.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Caterpillar Invasion

These little green caterpillars have been everywhere the last couple of weeks. I seriously think they may be taking over our yard.They float down from the trees on their strings (webbing/silk?) and have managed to make huge webs that I unsuspectingly (is that a word?) walk into in the mornings. It is very confusing when you're heading to Starbucks at 4:40AM and you are covered in cob webs. My question you know what kind of caterpillar/worm this is? I've never seen this many before, its like little green things everywhere!!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

South Florida

I just got back from a good but very short trip to South Florida. I was able to meet with two great pastors while I was there. Pastor Travis Johnson is based in Homestead, FL where he guides the very diverse (28 nationalities) Life Pointe Church.

Later that day I was able to meet with Pastor Bob Franquiz who is leading Calvary Fellowship in Miami Lakes, FL.

It was an awesome opportunity to meet with these two creative Pastors. Pray for these guys as they minister in a tough spiritual environment. On an average Sunday less than 6% of the people in Miami area are in church. Life Pointe and Calvary Fellowship are both reaching out in dynamic ways which include having church in movie theaters. Below is a picture of the theater where Life Pointe meets.

On Saturday I was able to attend my cousin Meghan’s wedding. Meghan married Bill Koperski in a very surferesque ceremony. It was great seeing family and being able to share the special day with Meghan & Bill. Here is a picture of the parents on the dance floor! Check out Bruce aka Dad’s green coat...nice!!!

Finally in the midst of all this I was able to see my friend Ashi Mehrotra. I went to high school and college with Ashi. He’s like a third son and it was great having some time to catch up and hang out with him. He’s a busy first year law student at the University of Miami.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

HIV/AIDS and the Church

I was reading this other article today and immediately in my spirit I felt that Children's Cup has a destiny to enter Asia at some point. The one thing that stuck out was "...imagine closed doors opening for the gospel..." - I hear that and I think of China, I think of India, I think of Cambodia where HIV/AIDS infections are rapidly rising.

here is a snippet of the article -

"Imagine what 2 billion Christians might accomplish as one faithful force against one disease. Imagine the possibilities for proving church-mocking skeptics wrong. Imagine closed doors opening for the gospel. Imagine the lives saved. A world in the ever-tightening grip of HIV doesn't stand a chance without us."

- Christianity Today

fasting, what?

I was reading this article today and I really liked this thought on fasting:

"But I'm beginning to understand some of the benefits of fasting; I'm beginning to see that I recognize my dependence on God more clearly when I'm hungry; I'm beginning to chip away at some of the stupor that comes with always being sated."
- a Christianity Today article

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Git R Done

I saw this the other day and immediately thought of my boy Charles Young. He's got a Git R Done attitude and a passion for reaching out to African High Schoolers. Check out his latest blog post about a man who was on his deathbed in June and is now wielding a sledge hammer: "Jesus is Moving
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Friday, March 09, 2007


I got the privledge of helping out at WOW Jam last weekend. Steve Tavani and his organization partner with churches to go into the inner cities of America and the World to bring the message of the Cross. WOW Jam felt like a huge neighborhood BBQ or block party. There were bike repairs, free haircuts, manicures, plant give-aways, singing contests, pie eating contests and whole bunch more. WOW Jam ( is about going to where people are at and showing the love of Christ...but even more Steve Tavani makes sure people here that Hope's name is Jesus! Check out the pics

-pie eating contest

- Steve Tavani speaking

- grocery give-away!
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Starbucks So Far...

I’ve been working at Starbucks the last 2 months. Here are a couple of pics from the store. It is a great job for this season of my life. It is challenging because each day you have to show up ready to work. Hmmm…shouldn’t our lives be like that each day…ready to do anything and everything for the sake of the Kingdom???

- Carmen & Dayna

- At the Register (Me!)
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