Monday, November 07, 2005


I drove the long route between the two major cities in Swaziland: Mbabane and Manzini. I was rewarded with a resurgence of life in my soul. This truly is a beautiful country that I live in. The road twists through mountain ranges that vary in vegetation from Arizona, the Pacific Northwest pines, to the grassy highlands of Scotland. As I looked out over miles of hills, woods and rivers I couldn’t help but be amazed by the creation of God. What is crazy about the whole experience is that there is so much more beauty in a single human being. I mean we are God’s greatest creation…we are in his image. Guys, slow down look someone in the eye and be amazed. Let yourself see the wonder and majesty that is around you. Clear your minds of the distractions and busyness of life. Enjoy those you love, the air you breath, the beautiful taste of food…its funny how you can pass a life changing image hundreds of times but its only when you slow down, drink it in that an image, a moment, a person can change your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey man just wanted to touch base with you and see haow everything is going. Dude I read your recent blog and that is awesome. It is true that we take forgrated the very breath that our Father puts in our very lungs. We see people all day and think that hey.. theres another person and then we go on about our business. But what we really need to be thinking is are they a part of the Kingdom. We take forgranted so many times why we are here on this earth, when the bible says to create diciples to send out and preach the gospel.
Well man see you soon Charles