Friday, December 02, 2005


A recent trip to Mozambique opened my eyes and excited my heart to a country that is truly poor but amazingly rich. There is energy in Mozambique that is irresistible. The country struggled through a 17 year civil war starting in … and ended in 1992. The country was then devastated by floods in 2000. The international community has heard this cry for help and it is amazing the rebuilding that is going on in the country. Mozambiqueans know how to work which is such a refreshing sight when coming from Swaziland. In Southern Africa the Mozambique work ethic seems to stand out. These people have barely anything but that doesn’t stop them from working for a better tomorrow. These people are also hungry for the Gospel. The communist factions fighting in the country suppressed any kind of religious expression…so it is exciting to see the seeking nature of the people there. The country also possesses a rich history and culture as it brings together Portuguesse, African, Arabian and Indian influences to produce a melting pot of culture, architecture and food. I’m excited about starting to work in the country and am even thinking of staying there for extended periods of time next year.

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