Alright, so sitting here on a warm afternoon and this is what's on my mind.
I think about returning to Africa and how it is
less than 3 months away. I am excited and I am ready and yet I am not. I want to and need to seek out God for his vision and his purpose for my return to Africa. I know I need to walk by His Spirit and go with his purpose or I might as well stay here and send money. God's been speaking to me about focus and the importance of staying intentional. I want my two years to be intentional, to be on purpose, to be of God.
The second thing I think about is how I have failed to be very useful to God while I've been home. God has planted and blessed me with so much...yet I have failed to step up, call out and lead while I've been home. Pray that I
would be obedient, that God would use me at Starbucks, at church and as I travel.
Another thing is my fundraising. I have over 80% of my money for two years in or pledged. That's over $23,000 that is pledged or given. Yeah, God showed up. I still need another $240 a month pledged or $5,800 given.
If you want to help me return to Africa please click here. Pray about it, maybe God is asking you...all I can ask for is your obedience.
Finally, I think about how blessed I am to have a family that cares and loves for me. So many of those kids I get the privelege of serving in Africa lack even one person who loves them, let alone a family.