I’m interested in and have been pondering over a couple of things that have to do with my degree in Economics.
God tells us that the sparrows do not worry over food and clothing
Economic theory teaches us about the “law” of scarcity. Scarcity means there is never enough to go around to everyone, we have infinite wants and needs but only finite resources.
How do I reconcile these two different ideas or ideologies? How can there be a God who is Jehovah Jireh (provider) and there be scarcity as evidence by the more than 2 billion people on this planet stuck in poverty.
I have to say that economics as a science is based largely on the principles that we are selfish as human beings. Its accurate and yet somehow I think the economic theories I’ve learned in college are a response or explanation of a broken world. God doesn’t operate in scarcity but we do. Our lack of faith, our spiritual poverty and the way we think (selfishly) make scarcity a reality.
Do I think we need to regulate or redistribute assets from rich to poor…yes and no. To some extent a government can successfully do this through the provision of infrastructure and education to its populace. However, a government seems to fail miserably as it expands its welfare programs. It comes down to a heart and faith issue in both the person in need and the person who is wealthy. You see, often the poor person has something to give but will not…God cannot put more in your hand unless you release what he’s already put there. If people believe that God is in control and truly surrender their money (100%) and time to him then the redistribution of assets and capital will take place outside of government (in the majority of cases) in a more relational context.
Ok, so I’m even confusing myself…see I don’t think government can effectively lift people out of poverty. I think the opportunity should be taken on by people, private programs and churches. The problem is a lot of people say no to taxes but do not say yes to involve themselves and their money in solutions.
So yes scarcity seems to be a reality for most of this world but we must remember that God is above and beyond us. His perception of what’s real and what is truth is beyond what we can see. God has more than enough, he can provide in awesome ways. Remember when it comes to God, Nothing is Impossible!
Wake up to God’s reality, fear not, believe that God will take care of you, free yourself from a scarcity mindset and let your money flow, let your time flow, let your talent flow to the forgotten, the poor, the hurting…in you and through you God’s abundance is alive, its beating with true life, its ready to be unleashed.