Thursday, July 27, 2006

Kids Minister to King

If I ever had any doubts about whether or not we're making a difference here in Swaziland...well those were shattered this past weekend. It was awesome, I got to see first hand 350 children minister to the king of Swaziland through dance. These are the orphans, these are the children that otherwise may have been forgotten, these are awesome people that God is and will continue to use. It was powerful...during this national day of praise this group of children stood out...their worship...authentic, annointed, and majestic. We had a 3 day camp that was part of a national camp. It was hectic, it was crazy, it was a time of little sleep and lots of children...but man, God can use this generation. Two ways of looking at this situation in Africa...1 a continent disintegrates and falls apart because their is a rouge generation that has been orphaned. The second way of seeing this situation requires belief, requires love, requires effort, requires servants , and requires Jesus. The second way of seeing this is that an army of orphans will go around this continent sold out for Jesus, radically in love with God...bringing healing, hope & restoration to a continent, to a world...what do you see? for yourself, for your situation, for your life???? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Wow Pat, I've prayed for this king, that someone would reach him. Looks like it's going to be "the least of these". This next generation is poised to turn the world upside down for Christ! I'm proud of you and the Cup team for shining His Light and being His hands, feet and heart to this forgotten generation.

merrill5 said...

I love this.

Anonymous said...

Pat, I am in awe of the work you and your team are accomplishing! Yes, it is all about Christ! Through Him we will see changes for these children. Thank you for your heart for the lost and for these little ones. I will be joining you in the 40 days of prayer. I have asked my church to join in as well. May God Bless the work of your hands!
Love Aunt Betsy