Tuesday, December 12, 2006


My brother and I are going snowboarding in Colorado next week. I hope we fare a little bit better than when we went wakeboarding. I've been snowboarding twice before but both times were short trips and it was a while ago...hmm, we'll see.

Yes I am blessed and just want to say thanks to my parents for a sweet Christmas present and to John for organizing the trip. It'll be fun, I'll share pics


Steve said...

You always had such graceful wipe outs. I can only hope to see some more on vacation this year!!!

Anonymous said...

the wipe out is half the fun! that being said, i am a pro. but for your sake, i hope snowboarding isn't anything like skiing. i tried that once and cried the entire time...scratch that...WEPT the entire time.

then again, the other day i cut myself on a piece of bread (that's right bread)...so maybe it's just me. have fun!