Friday, April 20, 2007


I've been sick the past week. It's been rough because I've had to work a lot. I feel like the physical sickness has revealed to me a bigger battle that is swirling around me. I feel like there is spiritual battle going on in my life...just feel like there are lots of sicknesses and things that the devil is throwing at me lately. Doubt, discouragement, worry and loneliness kind of shoved in my face. I had the chance to really be silent before the Lord the other day and he showed up in a beautiful way. He really is more precious than silver or gold. I do feel tired but I serve a God that is for me, who has walked through trials and understands my weakness. I will trust in him..."strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord".

I'm heading out West on a fundraising trip this upcoming Monday. Please pray that God opens doors and goes before me. I'm about 3/5 of the way to the total amount I need to fundraise. Pray that God sends financial and prayer partners my way...pray that God helps me share the vision in an authentic and clear way. Pray that I would not falter but that I'd go to the living water! Let me know how you guys are doing! (please send me your email address if you are interested in getting email updates,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I should seriously consider becoming a professional blog/facebook-checker. I'm really very good at it. Just wanted to say one thing about your post and feeling spiritual battle. I know I've said I feel like I have been going through some intense warfare in the last couple of months and so I understand those feelings.

However, what I know is this: When God is moving in your life & great things are about to happen, Satan really turns up the heat. He does not want you to have what he knows is coming your way & throws all sorts of things at us to try and get us out of God's position for us.
I often find that my emotions are my biggest downfall & so I think it is that much more important to guard them. Satan is trying to play on our weaknesses and that is why we have to be determined to trust God and not be shaken. Giving in to feelings of discouragement, doubt, loneliness, etc. are just another way of satan trying to keep us from reaching our potential. So as long as we keep hanging on...we'll win eventually.