Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What God values vs. What I value

Sometimes you look at an event or situation and go what is the point. You understand on a basic level what the point is but on the deeper level, what is the purpose, you don't understand why an event is happening. That was me, two days ago Dan Ohlerking, Earl Rentz, Mr. Dave Ohlerking & Miss Jean Ohlerking organized a day where we got all of our Children's Cup staff together. So I understood in my mind that it was an event to draw us all togther and speak about where Children's Cup is going. I knew that but I didn't really understand why the nice lunch, why the day of fun, why at this point in time. Ha, what God thinks is important is so often different, wildly different than what I think is important. The event brought us together, it was a direct action that spoke to our international & Swazi staff appreciation. Even more it was a time of vision, bringing all of us together as one and sharing what God has spoken to all of us. Vision, God sized vision, on where he is leading us. Thirdly, it was brotherhood. The day reaffirmed our status as brothers and sisters in Christ. We stood together, ready to take on the work ahead. Bound together in love, slaves to each other, slaves to the cause. Once again let me state, God looks and values things differently. It reminds me of being like Mary...it also makes me think about what Dan said to me this morning. Spiritual input, while maybe not measurable is vastly underestimated by the world, and dare I say the church. Lets get back to being a Mary, lets get back to valuing what Jesus valued, lets get behind his vision and his perspective.

Here are some pics of our group in powerful times of prayer, praise and unity.

More pics and another related post to be added soon, hold me accountable, please!!! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

If spirit is, perhaps, not measurable, your grace can make it evident and effective. Move the mission up and solidify it for the hungry and wanting. Nourishment for the sick and waning. Accelerate the mercy of God to those waiting to hear.

Anonymous said...

It's soo disappointing how judgemental missionaries can be!

HAHA, just kidding bro.

Love you man, and miss you already,

The wanna-be dago,

danohlerking said...

dude, i clicked "comments" so i could help "hold you accountable" like you asked us to in this post. but , reading what dad said is strong. i love the last part he put: ACCELERATE THE MERCY OF GOD TO THOSE WAITING TO HEAR.

that's awesome.