Wednesday, March 21, 2007

HIV/AIDS and the Church

I was reading this other article today and immediately in my spirit I felt that Children's Cup has a destiny to enter Asia at some point. The one thing that stuck out was "...imagine closed doors opening for the gospel..." - I hear that and I think of China, I think of India, I think of Cambodia where HIV/AIDS infections are rapidly rising.

here is a snippet of the article -

"Imagine what 2 billion Christians might accomplish as one faithful force against one disease. Imagine the possibilities for proving church-mocking skeptics wrong. Imagine closed doors opening for the gospel. Imagine the lives saved. A world in the ever-tightening grip of HIV doesn't stand a chance without us."

- Christianity Today


Sarah Head said...

that's an awesome article... God is definitely going to do something HUGE in Asia!

Carole Turner said...

I love Christianity Today magazine! I have a link to it on my blog and read it cover to cover each month.

I found your blog through Children's cup. Keep up the good work and GOd bless.