Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Caterpillar Invasion

These little green caterpillars have been everywhere the last couple of weeks. I seriously think they may be taking over our yard.They float down from the trees on their strings (webbing/silk?) and have managed to make huge webs that I unsuspectingly (is that a word?) walk into in the mornings. It is very confusing when you're heading to Starbucks at 4:40AM and you are covered in cob webs. My question you know what kind of caterpillar/worm this is? I've never seen this many before, its like little green things everywhere!!!


Rehmeyers in Eswatini said...

maybe you've just never been awake at 440am?

merrill5 said...

In have no idea what it's called, but they are taking over my neighborhood as well here in chapel hill. A neighboring house has 2-3 trees INFESTED! I'm just wondering what they metaporhasize (is that a word?) into. the teacher in me wants me to capture some and raise it in my classroom as a scientific experienment. My kiddies would love it.
but the woman in me says, "ewww. Bugs, gross. I don't wanna touch it."

Anonymous said...
