Later that day I was able to meet with Pastor Bob Franquiz who is leading Calvary Fellowship in Miami Lakes, FL.
It was an awesome opportunity to meet with these two creative Pastors. Pray for these guys as they minister in a tough spiritual environment. On an average Sunday less than 6% of the people in Miami area are in church. Life Pointe and Calvary Fellowship are both reaching out in dynamic ways which include having church in movie theaters. Below is a picture of the theater where Life Pointe meets.
On Saturday I was able to attend my cousin Meghan’s wedding. Meghan married Bill Koperski in a very surferesque ceremony. It was great seeing family and being able to share the special day with Meghan & Bill. Here is a picture of the parents on the dance floor! Check out Bruce aka Dad’s green coat...nice!!!
How come your pictures aren't coming up? and what does 'surferesque' mean?
Amen to that "HIV and the Church" article!!
I had a great time getting to know you, Patrick...look forward to a partnership with you guys. Praying for you already.
To: Zinty
I think "surferesque" must mean that the wedding was on the beach and the attire was not formal. But, that's just a guess. I'll check back to see what Patrick says.
Zinty, yes surferesque means that it had a lot of surf culture aspects to it. The groom and groomsmen where all in flip flops. Instead of your traditional music there was a lot of Jack Johnson and Ben Harper during the ceremony. It would of been at the beach but Meghan, my cousin, thought that might be distracted so instead it was at a Japanese gardens. It was cool, it was surferesque
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