Saturday, May 12, 2007

In the middle of 6 days of opening at Starbucks

It seems like these 20-something times
Lack the clarity of my earlier life
It seems like people come
and people go with such ferocious frequency

I don't know, it is not clear
the path, the people, my place in this
I got to connect but naturally pull back
Afraid, Frustrated, Lazy not really sure which

Life keeps rolling but often I feel
100 steps behind
who am I, how am I
questions in my mind or maybe
questions I need to find

Gotta get on my knees
Pray for my sight
Ask God for brothers
Friends from other mothers
You see, I need to organize
I need to evaluate
Present situation
location, time and date
You see God
People say I need a wife
But I know, I know I need you
I know I need life

1 comment:

Josh Ferrara said...

Hey man,
I know this is a little different, but oh well. I met you in Starbucks this morning, I was wearing Charles and Kristen's tshirt.

Anyway, it's nice to finally put face to the name.

God bless, man!