Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Last couple weeks

Here are some pictures from the last two weeks. The first is of my Mom serving up some food at a Block party organized by the Baton Rouge Dream Center. Check out the HPC Serve blog if you want to get involved.

Then the rest of Memorial Day weekend was filled with this Washers game...I have yet to find out the real name of it but I think in Louisiana it's called Cajun Horseshoes. Whatever the name, it is a great BBQ/Braii game. You stand about 10 feet away and throw oversized washers at board with three holes in it. You get 3 points for the 3rd hole, 2 for the 2nd hole and 1 for the first. First to 21 and exactly 21 wins. Good game, JP and I are pretty much unbeatable.

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1 comment:

merrill5 said...

We play a game here called ladder-golf. I guess any good ole' american game involves stuff setting in the grass, and then throwing other stuff at it for points.