real stories and real life which is wrapped with my perceptions and thoughts
I’ve found out lately that I can often live oblivious to the battle going on around me and in me. People often live under oppression or under attacks and do not even realize it. Today I prayed a simple prayer. I prayed that the spirit of apathy, depression and heaviness to leave in the name of Jesus…yeah, it even sounded a bit weird coming out of my mouth. The crazy truth of it is that after I prayed that I feel a joy that I’ve not experienced in weeks. God tells us that we are in a warzone…yet I often live in such ignorance. To be truly free, to be live as we are intended to live. Do we assume that our depression, our anxiety, our anger, our lust, our discouragement, our fear is normal? Do we live wrapped up in unnecessary chains, de we often live under attack and think everything is normal. No more, no more, no more.
Hey, so yeah, I have not really used my computer during the month of October. I apologize for the lack of communication. Things have been busy as usual but also I've needed some time away from routine.
I'm excited to get back to bloggin, emailing and all things Tech oriented...I went on a trip to Zimbabwe and was blown away. Our God is a big God and in the midst of such suffering there is such life. The people at Oasis of Life Church in Bulawayo are amazing. God's presence and favor is with them. They've helped plant nine churches in the last year. Their impact is exponential. Their worship is beautiful and true. Their lives are truly a witness to the world. They were to me...Check out some pictures:
Look around, Look around
See what’s been done
See what is happening
Look around, Look and see
The beauty, the life
It’s come through me…
- God spoke this to me the other day, pretty cool
Lately, I’ve been able to see the beauty of the CarePoints. At
Mark, Kay, Jessie, Shelly and I held a volleyball clinic the other day for the girls from Logoba and Zombodze. We had an awesome time together and the girls improved a lot in just two hours. I drove the Lagoba girls back to their CarePoint in a Kombi. The girls were singing the whole ride from Zombodze back to Lagoba. The boys were there to meet the girls and the whole group of them continued to sing, dance and be the embodiment of joy. It was amazing, as I left and drove back to the highway I watched the people walking toward the CarePoint. In their faces I saw this crazy expression on their faces, “what the heck is going on at that CarePoint, why are they so happy, what do they feed them there” It’s so cool to see the joy that only God can bring in these young people. God is establishing his presence at the CarePoints and it is transforming lives.
This spoke to me, this let me know that what we’re doing over here is more than just feeding mouths and continuing the cycle of poverty, death and hopeless. No, no our kids are infected…our kids are infected with amazing hope, that hope that is Jesus!
God tells us that the sparrows do not worry over food and clothing
Economic theory teaches us about the “law” of scarcity. Scarcity means there is never enough to go around to everyone, we have infinite wants and needs but only finite resources.
How do I reconcile these two different ideas or ideologies? How can there be a God who is Jehovah Jireh (provider) and there be scarcity as evidence by the more than 2 billion people on this planet stuck in poverty.
I have to say that economics as a science is based largely on the principles that we are selfish as human beings. Its accurate and yet somehow I think the economic theories I’ve learned in college are a response or explanation of a broken world. God doesn’t operate in scarcity but we do. Our lack of faith, our spiritual poverty and the way we think (selfishly) make scarcity a reality.
Do I think we need to regulate or redistribute assets from rich to poor…yes and no. To some extent a government can successfully do this through the provision of infrastructure and education to its populace. However, a government seems to fail miserably as it expands its welfare programs. It comes down to a heart and faith issue in both the person in need and the person who is wealthy. You see, often the poor person has something to give but will not…God cannot put more in your hand unless you release what he’s already put there. If people believe that God is in control and truly surrender their money (100%) and time to him then the redistribution of assets and capital will take place outside of government (in the majority of cases) in a more relational context.
Ok, so I’m even confusing myself…see I don’t think government can effectively lift people out of poverty. I think the opportunity should be taken on by people, private programs and churches. The problem is a lot of people say no to taxes but do not say yes to involve themselves and their money in solutions.
So yes scarcity seems to be a reality for most of this world but we must remember that God is above and beyond us. His perception of what’s real and what is truth is beyond what we can see. God has more than enough, he can provide in awesome ways. Remember when it comes to God, Nothing is Impossible!
Wake up to God’s reality, fear not, believe that God will take care of you, free yourself from a scarcity mindset and let your money flow, let your time flow, let your talent flow to the forgotten, the poor, the hurting…in you and through you God’s abundance is alive, its beating with true life, its ready to be unleashed.
Lelo is our energy guy. Lelo’s smile is infectious and he is always ready to have a good time. He is an extremely talented dancer…boy can straight up move…and he’s very skilled at putting together relevant dramas. Lelo has been in ministry for 3 years and plans to continue to reach out to the youth of
Lelo is an orphan, both of his parents died before he finished high school. He can relate, he can encourage and he is a living example of the hope that is in Christ. Pray for Lelo to reproduce himself…there are so many hurting youth and not enough Lelos
Check out a video that my boy Mark made after a week with Celebration Church from Jacksonville, FL!
We had a great time with the Christian Leadership College guys and girls! Thanks so much for impacting us and impacting a generation of youth Africans!
A little video I threw together awhile back, added a couple newer pics. Jordan has a Mac and I look forward to making more videos using movie maker just doesn't cut i
K, Sorry for the lack of updates. Two weeks ago I hosted a youth leaders retreat. It was an awesome time away with 13 of the youth leaders we have at the CarePoints. We spent the night at the Youth with a
The retreat was all about laying the foundation with this first group of leaders. It’s awesome to see the energy and enthusiasm of the young people and young leaders. We talked about studying the bible, their identity in Christ and servant leadership. As much as the stuff we talked about was important it was also important for me to establish deeper relationships with these young people. God’s been reminding me a lot how important relationships are and so I made it an emphasis that we had fun together and share some of who we are with one another.
This is a capable group of leaders, pray that we can establish something great, something that changes lives, something that honors God!
I want to reflect a little bit on the main things that God spoke to me in 2007. The main thing that sticks out is that faith is lived out in community and with other people. I have moved a lot in my life so I have an ability/tendency/weakness to be able to do life by myself pretty well. I’ve been to movies by myself, I’ve eaten in restaurants by myself and explored the world by myself… “table for one please”, these things scare other people but I’ve found a contentment in being alone…I’m thinking I went from contentment to comfortable and God now needs to rock me out of my comfort. Its tough though because when its just me I get to decide, order, do whatever I want to do but when you are with others you sacrifice, sometimes I wonder is the trade-off worth it. God then reminded me my life isn’t about me, it’s a selfless journey of unconditional love for the sake of His Name.
God really challenged me to seek out community this year and with people that I wouldn’t naturally seek community with. It has been a challenge and there have been a lot of times when I’ve retreated to my solitary ways. Maybe its because I’m American, maybe its because I’m a young single twenty something or maybe its because I’m in Africa as a missionary but there is this underlying tendency in me to associate needing people as a weakness. I’ve discovered in the last year, well I guess I always knew in my soul, that people are a source of strength. Donald Miller puts it like this in his book Blue Like Jazz, “Other people keep our souls alive, just like food and water does with our body.” I’m learning to expose my need for people and flat out ask for friendships. I’m learning to initiate community.
My friend Joy Parker ministered to me a lot this year. Joy loves people. Joy loves annoying, selfish, awkward people. She likes everyone with no agenda. Often those hard/difficult/awkward people turn into awesome people who while still maybe different are great…they reflect God in their unique personalities and open there arms to new people.
My friend Elias in college befriended a weird guy from the
The point is that community is messy but it is sacred. It is difficult but it contains true blessings. It is an area of ministry and it acts as ministry to our souls. We need others, we need to be needed, and we can’t go far unless we go together. I’m unlearning that strength is not needing people and I pray that 2008 is full of friendships, community and selfless love. God let me be interrupted from the efficiency of myself and my ways.
…again God reminded me that I often look for community and miss it. I think it looks a certain way with a certain gender, age or group of people. I’m looking for this Patrick Construct of community meanwhile I miss the community God has placed right in front of me…God is still speaking to me on this.